

Welcome to the ISACA Venice Chapter. The aim of the Chapter is to sponsor local professional development sessions, provide assistance for ISACA exam candidates, conduct educational seminars and workshops, and help to further promote and elevate the visibility of the IS audit, control and security profession in North Est Italy.
The association is one of individual members, often the sole practitioner of information systems auditing, security, and/or governance in his or her company. The membership of the ISACA reflects a multiplicity of backgrounds and skills that make the information systems governance field challenging and dynamic. Current ISACA Venice Chapter Board Members are:

Roles covered by Chapter members:

Our objectives are:

  • To promote the education of, and help expand the knowledge and skills of its members in the interrelated fields of IS security management, assurance, risk, audit and control, and IT governance in North Est Italy;
  • To encourage an open exchange of information systems audit and control, assurance, governance and security techniques, approaches, and problem solving by its members;
  • To promote adequate communication to keep members abreast of current events in information systems audit and control, information assurance, and security fields that can be of benefit to them and their employers;
  • To communicate to management, auditors, universities, information systems professionals and the public the importance of establishing controls necessary to ensure the effective organization and utilization of IT resources; and
  • To advocate professioanlism through promotion of ISACA® international’s professional certifications: CISA®, CISM®, CGEIT® and CRISC®.
ISACA (previously the Information Systems Audit and Control Association) is a world wide association of IS governance professionals. The association currently focuses on assurance, security, and governance and provides globally recognised certification in assurance (Certified Information Systems Auditor), security (Certified Information Security Manager), and  governance (Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT).
This chapter is run by volunteers who are ISACA members nominated through ISACA Annual General Meeting (AGM). ISACA members' participations in running the chapter are highly encouraged.


Denominazione: ISACA VENICE CHAPTER (Associazione senza scopo di lucro)

Sede legale: Via del Brennero, 67 - 38122 TRENTO TN
Email: info@isacavenice.org
Posta Elettronica Certificata (PEC): isaca.venice@legalmail.it
Sito Web: www.isacavenice.org

Codice Fiscale: 90017300261
Partita IVA: IT04503890263

L'associazione opera in regime di Legge 398/91 ed è esclusa dall'applicazione dello Split payment

Rappresentante legale: Pierluigi Sartori (pierluigi.sartori@isacavenice.org)

Dati Bancari
Conto Corrente Bancario: CC8500615320
presso Banca Generali, piazza Cavour, 5 - 34132 - Trieste (TS)

IBAN: IT 4 3Y 03075 02200 CC8500615320